Hop Trek – An adventure on the Edge of Idaho

Hop heads! Ben (@thebeertrale) and I (@beerisaconversation) hit the road of Pacific North West to immerse ourselves in hop crop 2019. 

After a long flight to Spokane and a 2h drive up to the Canadian border, we arrived at Elk Mountain Hop Farm! It’s quite a distance from Yakima valley where 90%+ of USA hops are grown so there must be a reason why one of the largest hop farm sits on the border…want to know why ?  

Rubbing hop is a  sticky, oily, fragrant, exhilarating but …gross experience.  Let’s ask our friends from Devils Backbone what’s the Rub ?

Cones are bright green fresh from the field. It’s wet hop time!!!

Wait what’s the difference again between Dry hop and Wet hop ? @thebeertrale got it totally right.

Enough rubbing, we brought our French Press to make some Hop tea…

The ultimate Wet hop experience… Wet Hopping your beer in the field. Just like a barista… here we go Hopista.

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