Long time in the making HOPPY™ is now available to everyone (above LDA, I mean).
HOPPY™ started as an ambition to bring beer culture to everyone in a new, different way. Not too academic, not too sophisticated, not too technical,… in a fun, casual and engaging format.
So what is HOPPY™?
It’s a web access app. The look and feel directly sets the tone. A playful smiling beer glass! Because HOPPY™ is a learning game, unlocking badges and collecting beercoins along the way.
The content can be accessed in any sequence. No need to complete the ingredients 101 before you can explore glassware or learn about Octoberfest. You choose to learn what you want and there’s content for every beer lover. How beer is made, beer culture, styles, how to taste, gluten free beer…
The pace is gamified, with quizzes at the end of each lessons (beer flights) and a leaderboard to compete with your friends! The daily challenge (which you can repeat as much as you like) will challenge your knowledge with 5 questions. Nail them 5 right before the glass is empty and you’ll collect extra beercoins!
The home page will give you a new fun fact at every visit. All great talking points to repeat while sharing a beer with friends. After all, beer is culture and always a good subject to talk about with friends.
HOPPY™ is not static. There’s new content released regularly (The IPA flight is just out, in time for hop crop 2020!). There are also new features coming up based on users feedback: leaderboard leagues, secret badges, connection with social media.
HOPPY™ is free and this is how it should be. I’m 100% responsible for the content of the app so you can trust the content is true, genuine and meaningful. Even what you can learn about some international brands is pure facts.
Join HOPPY on www.hoppy.ab-inbev.com and send me your feed back!