Hop Trek – An adventure on the Edge of Idaho

Hop heads! Ben (@thebeertrale) and I (@beerisaconversation) hit the road of Pacific North West to immerse ourselves in hop crop 2019. 

After a long flight to Spokane and a 2h drive up to the Canadian border, we arrived at Elk Mountain Hop Farm! It’s quite a distance from Yakima valley where 90%+ of USA hops are grown so there must be a reason why one of the largest hop farm sits on the border…want to know why ?  

Rubbing hop is a  sticky, oily, fragrant, exhilarating but …gross experience.  Let’s ask our friends from Devils Backbone what’s the Rub ?

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Homebrewing in my backyard

When I visited Mexico City a few years ago I got to try a few very unusual drinks. Pulque in particular, Smokey Mezcal with orange wedges and gusano worm salt,… and Tepache, a more or less sponteneously fermented pineapple juice.

So on this Columbus day I brought my SS homebrewing equipment in the backyard to brew an IPA inspired by Tepache. I also added Jalapeno to give it a kick…. want to see more? Check this out!!

Europe Beer Tour – Stop 4 – Abbey of Leffe

Dinant Belgium. This is where one of the most famous abbey beer was born from the name of a small river, the river Leffe.

An Authentic Abbey Beer must follow some key fundamental rules. Be genuinely connected to a monastery and give back to charities.

Abbey beers have a unique distinct quality. Heritage from time when beer was offered to pilgrims as only safe beverage to sustain.From time when only the monks had the knowledge to read and write.

And as per medieval tradition , we were warmly welcomed to visit the courtyard of the abbey…

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