Beer & Chocolate

It’s been a while now but when Callebaut was preparing it’s 100 years anniversary they were looking at the best way to celebrate and chocolate and their origin. For clarity, Callebaut is Belgian and is the world leader in chocolate. I don’t think they have any consumer product but they supply raw chocolate to the best chocolatier around the world.

They were planning high end celebrations in all big cities around the world and contacted us to bring beer along with chocolate. I mean it could have been other Belgian specialities but Witloof and chocolate didn’t make the cut, neither did speculoos or cuberdons…. After all people had to drink something.

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Beer Menus are way too complex


I love these colorful chalkboards behind the bar, full of drawings and stylistic letters but when you step back a bit, they look like a secret language that only craft geeks and hop heads can understand. Let’s be honest, you have the name, the style and the description. In some case you have the IBU and the ABV and maybe a Ratebeer score.

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