Beer Bucket List
- Drink a Mass (or 2) at the Oktoberfest 22/09/2016
- Attend the Great American Beer Festival 06/10/2016
- Visit the world northernmost brewery
- Visit the world southernmost brewery
- Drink an Irish Stout in Dublin, on top of the Guinness Experience Center 17/11/2014
- Drink a Pilsner in Plzen
- Restart Homebrewing 13/08/2016
- Win a medal in a homewbrew competition
- Visit Weihenstefan, oldest living brewery 30/11/-0001
- Take a Beercation in Fort Collins 01/11/2015
- Take a Beercation in Portland 06/11/2015
- Do the Cicerone program 26/10/2017
- Visit Seattle’s first Starbuck’s and Roastery 22/02/2016
- Attend Tales of the cocktail in NOLA 17/07/2014
- Drink a Corona, barefoot at Corona Sunset in Playa del Carmen 26/07/2014
- Attend Boston Extreme Beer Fest
- Attend Craft Brewing Conference 14/04/2015
- Attend Brau 17/12/2021
- Attend Drinktec 08/02/2019
- Distillery hiking in Scotland
- Distillery hiking in Kentucky 20/10/2023
- Visit a Sake Factory in Japan 20/01/2016
- Do a proper tea ritual in Japan
- Meet Jamie Oliver 01/09/2012
- Open a (small)brewery
- Write a beer book
- Make a blog 09/02/2019
- Queue in front of Binny’s on Black Friday Eve with BCT fans
- Graduate from the BAR
- Pass the SCA barista
- Visit a Mescal production in Mexico
- Visit Hillfarmstead
- Visit Treehouse brewing 02/09/2020
- Visit Samuel Smiths to see their Yorkshire Square
- Visit Marston’s Burton Union system
- Feature in a beer game (Trivial Pursuit Belgian edition, hahaha) 09/02/2019
- Bring a keg of Jupiler in New Jersey 02/09/2020
- Walk up the red carpet in Cannes with Stella Artois 17/05/2011
- Visit Patagonia brewery in Bariloche
- Create a beer board game 17/12/2021
- Launch a beer learning app 17/12/2021
- Taste at the GABF 20/10/2023
- Taste at the Brussel Beer Challenge 20/10/2023
- Kveik and Farmhouse trip in Scandinavia
- Visit Blumenau – Brazil
- Teach Brewing at University 20/10/2023
Have some cool suggestions for my bucket list? Let me know!